The fashion industry is one of the most polluting. In addition, this sector stands out, sadly, for its bad practices in relation to human and labor rights. Citizens are increasingly sensitized with knowing the traceability of fashion, that is, knowing where and how the production of the clothes, shoes or accessories they buy has been carried out. Consumer habits are changing and must change even more to direct the fashion sector towards sustainable fashion.

This new commitment to production and manufacturing has caused both the emergence and reinvention of many companies and fashion brands. The trend is clear, more and more consumers are taking into account some ethical or ecological factor when buying a product. Although it may not seem like it, there are figures that tell us that these consumers already exceed 50%. A very important figure to carry out this transformation and contribute to the improvement of the environment.

If we analyze the fashion sector in general, we have been immersed in a massive and uncontrolled manufacturing where the reduction of manufacturing costs has prevailed over any other factor. In this form of manufacturing it has not been taken into account that, in most cases, we buy garments that are manufactured thousands of kilometers away. Besides, we don’t even we have stopped to think about the conditions of the people who carry out the manufacturing.

Luckily, this trend is changing and there are many entrepreneurs and many entrepreneurs who are launching to change the fashion sector to bet on sustainable fashion.

Por suerte, esta tendencia está cambiando y son muchos emprendedores y muchas emprendedoras la que se lanzan a cambiar el sector de la moda para apostar por la moda sostenible.


Sustainable fashion or slowfashion is born with the objective of raising consumer awareness about the possibility of producing clothing and accessories meeting environmental and social sustainability criteria.

For a garment to be sustainable it must meet a series of criteria. All its production process must respect the environment and its materials must be natural or organic. Sustainable fashion must also be socially responsible, which means that the conditions of workers are taken care of in their production chain, avoiding labor exploitation.

It is a line of development that brands of clothing, footwear and accessories have to address to face the great challenge of our society that is none other than climate change. At this point consumers also play a fundamental role since they must bet on this sustainable fashion.

It is true that meeting the canons of sustainable fashion means that the costs of design, manufacturing and production are much higher. This causes that the prices of sale to the public without more remedy are also increased. Companies that bet on this change will hardly be able to compete with the uncontrolled mass manufacturing that manufacturing countries such as China or India are carrying out.


The impact of fashion on global pollution is raising society’s awareness of resource depletion and the impact of the textile and footwear industry on society. Sustainable fashion products are made of non-polluting materials for the environment or as little pollutants as possible. Pollution is usually attributed only to factories or customers for not recycling the footwear, but the problem comes from production, in the choice and extraction of the materials that will be used.

The commandments of sustainable fashion:

  1. Oppose footwear produced in industrial quantities.
  2. Lean on handicraft products to support small businesses, locally manufactured shoes and fair trade.
  3. Acquire second-hand footwear and donate the one that is no longer useful.
  4. Decant for sustainable and ethically manufactured materials.
  5. Reduce compulsive buying by choosing top quality footwear.

In Spain many companies and brands have begun to take a journey towards the ecological and have joined the fight for an adequate employment situation. Among these brands, we find Marlon Sneakers that has this organic production and manufacturing model engraved in its DNA to offer consumers, in addition to a quality product, a product that reduces pollution as much as possible.

Sustainable fashion also helps meet several of the Sustainable Development Goals such as: guarantees that water will not be polluted, minimizes energy expenditure, supports innovation, fosters gender equality and empowers women, sustains decent work and encourages responsible production and consumption.


On September 25, 2015, 193 countries committed to the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their fulfillment by 2030. These SDGs pursue equality between people, protect the planet and ensure prosperity as part of a new sustainable development agenda. A new global social contract that leaves no one behind.

Our country is one of the 193 countries that acquired that commitment. A Spain that has reached the SDGs in 2030 will be the country we all dream of. It represents a way of acting in the world. To reach the goals of each Objective, EVERYONE has to do its part: governments, the private sector, civil society, people like you or us and companies among which is Denis Marlon and more specifically with its brand of Marlon Sneakers.


These sustainable development goals are:

  1. End of poverty.
  2. Zero hunger.
  3. Health and well-being.
  4. Quality education.
  5. Gender equality.
  6. Clean water and sanitation.
  7. Affordable and non-polluting energy.
  8. Decent work and economic growth.
  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
  10. Reduction of inequalities.
  11. Sustainable cities and communities.
  12. Responsible production and consumption.
  13. Climate action.
  14. Underwater life.
  15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems.
  16. Peace, justice and strong institutions.
  17. Partnerships to achieve the objectives.

Among all these objectives, Marlon Sneakers walks towards the future, becoming involved in the sustainable fashion proposal. A proposal aligned with the fulfillment of these objectives and for the development of a society aware of the changes that are taking place in environmental matters.


Climate change figures are scary. A few years ago we saw this problem as something that would take a long time to arrive. However, it is already here. It is time that we all begin to mitigate the coming climate disaster.

The fashion industry is a very influential industry in society. It has a fundamental role in this awareness of people. It is in your hand that consumers acquire new consumption habits and are increasingly committed to sustainable fashion brands and that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

In these lines, Marlon Sneakers reaches a greater commitment with its clients so that at all times sustainable criteria are taken into account in the production and manufacturing of its productos.

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